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25 Things New Players Should Know - Guild Wars 2

Writer's picture: Krystal Krystal

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

Some of the most helpful tips and tricks I've learned over the years. Tips are not in a specific order, make sure you look through all of them!

divinity's reach as seen from queensdale, guild wars 2

1. Guild Wars 2 original game is Free to Play. So, if you are curious you can always try it out before getting the xpacs!

  • Note: If you want to play the xpac content you will have to buy the xpacs. The xpac bundle is a good price and the xpacs are worth it if you are enjoying the game! Here is the link for the xpac bundle

map completion in guild wars 2

2. Complete the map you are in.

  • Make sure you do all of the hearts, points of interest, vistas, and hero points.

    • All of these things give experience.

    • You need the hero points to level up your skills and traits. And will need them for the elite specializations.

    • If you choose to make a generation 1 legendary this will help you with map completion.

    • It is much easier to find missing points of interest, hero points, vistas, & hearts when been questing there.

  • Rewards from map completing list of possible rewards:

Downed state, fight to survive in guild wars 2

3. Downed state and Rezzing other players.

  • When your health runs out you go into a downed state where you fight to survive. You get a new set of skills you can use to kill a mob and rally off of! Make sure you read all of your downed state abilities, some heal, deal damage, and cc!

  • While in combat you can rez downed players and full dead players (in most cases).

    • Note: If there is a waypoint nearby and you are fully dead you should run back (most of the time).

World bosses in guild wars 2

4. Boss Timers: There are bosses and meta events that spawn throughout the world. Often these bosses spawn at set times, here are some timers:

laurel vendor in guild wars 2

5. Save up Laurels.

  • Laurels can be used for many different things. However, one of the most valuable things for new players is the Ascended items. They have the best stats and have an extra slot for Agony Resist. One of the key things you will need to do high-tier fractals.

double tap movement keys to dodge and evade attacks in guild wars 2

6. Dodge Roll is your friend.

  • As you learn how mobs attack you will notice visual cues that allude to important attacks. This is what you should look for when learning the best times to dodge.

  • There are also classes traits that benefit from dodging. Spawning mesmer clones, thief cantrips, etc...

guild wars 2 gathering nodes

7. Gather Everything.

  • Gathering is very important for making the best gear, weapons, and legendaries. Even the low-level materials can be important!

how to make object names show gw2

8. How to make gathering nodes & useable object's names show up.

  • There are two ways to do this,

    • You can hold control

    • Or you can checkmark the "Show All Usable Object Names"

      • To get here you click Esc, Options, and it is at the top of general options.

gw2 ways to make gold with a screenshot of silverwastes

9. Ways to make Gold.

  • Silverwastes - is one of the best event farms in the game. And people are running it all the time. You can find groups for it under "Central Tyria" - "Central Tyria - Squads" and look for RIBA groups (RIBA stands for Red, Indigo, Blue, & Amber which are the names of the camps you will need to defend).

    • A boss worth noting: Leyline anomaly. This event is quick and rewards a mystic coin which goes for about 1g-2g on the trading post and is required to craft legendaries. This event often takes 5 or so minutes and is run every time it is up and it rewards you with a 50 silver trash item every time. It is a daily event so you can only receive the rewards once a day!

  • PvP - Doing rated pvp is a really good way to make gold. Even if you aren't great at pvp you can make a lot of money doing this. And if you are good at pvp you can make gold quickly!

  • Fractals - Fractals become much more lucrative as you go up in fractal tiers (there are 4 difficulty tiers). To be able to do tier 4 fractals you will need ascended gear and 150 Agony Resist.

screenshot of guild wars 2 wiki

10. Wiki or Guides.

  • Often, you can find answers on the wiki. However, I recommend typing achievements or queries about things into google & then going to the wiki or guide. With the wiki you have to have the grammar and spelling exact to bring up the results. If you type it into google you do not.

  • You may also find more useful guides this way!

gw2 dynamic events in silverwastes

11. Dynamic Events.

  • Events will spawn throughout the map and sometimes this will change the world. If a temple is successfully taken you will be able to buy from the vendor. If an event fails or is in progress at a waypoint you won't be able to teleport to it & if you try to you will be directed to the next closes waypoint.

  • Participating in dynamic events can often help with heart progress. It is a good idea to tag the event and see if you are getting heart progress or not!

gw2 story journal

12. Story Journal.

  • The story is a good way to help you level and progress through the game. If you get the xpacs, you will need to do the story for certain collections to be unlocked (like the skyscale mount).

    • If you start a different story and want to go back you can always click the "Continue The Story" button to start again!

      • Note: Make sure you have progressed to a checkpoint before switching. If you switch in the middle of some of the stories it will reset your progress!

gw2 bosses daily bosses and meta events

13. Daily bosses and metas.

  • Meta events often have loot that can only be received once a day. Chak Gerent, Octovine, and Choya Pinata will reward you with an extra chest once daily. There is a limit to the number of chests you can loot in Domain of Istan, along with many other events having specific daily rewards.

gw2 dailies in hero panel

14. Dailies.

  • A good daily to focus on is the "daily". This one offers you 10 achievement points and 2g a day, for completing 3 of the achievements in the list.

    • For the other dailies, you will have to figure out which ones are important to you. If you want to do fractals or strike missions, make sure to take a look at the dailies because you get bonus rewards for them.

  • Festival Dailies. When festivals come up there is often a special reward for completing multiple daily achievements (that function just like the "daily" achievements with needing to complete 3).

guild wars 2 looking for group system

15. LFG.

  • The looking for group tab will be in the same window your friends list. You can search for all group events here!

guild wars 2 guild hall

16. Guilds.

  • Guilds are account-wide and you can have 5 of them. You can click the checkmark next to the guilds name in the guild panel to represent them!

    • Guilds have guild halls, guild banks, and guild missions.

      • You can enter your guild hall by opening the guild tab and hitting the "guild hall" button in the top right corner.

      • Guild missions offer "guild commendations" which can be used to buy various items. The most notable are ascended items.

guild wars 2 screenshot of what to spend karma on

17. Karma.

  • Karma is earned through doing events, hearts, fractals, strike missions, raids, karma consumables, etc... and is the most widely used currency outside of gold.

gw2 achievement chest rewards

18. Achievement Chest.

  • Doing achievements will give you achievement points that you earn Achievement chests with. These have boosters, wvw blueprints, laurels, karma consumables etc... On top of that, some chests include special weapon & armor skins only obtainable through these chests!

screenshot of metabattle, guild wars 2 builds

19. Builds.

screenshot of guild wars 2 masteries

20. Masteries.

  • Masteries are important for many things. They give you access to certain vendors, buffs, new abilities, and my favorite auto loot.

  • Masteries are account-wide, once they are unlocked they are unlocked for every character!

  • You can find masteries points in the open world & through achievements.

screenshot of crafting in guild wars 2

21. Crafting.

  • Crafting gives xp, leveling professions great for helping you level!

  • Choose crafting professions that make sense for your class. You can craft good Exotic and Ascended gear, which will help you in the end game!

  • You will need crafting professions to create legendaries. If there is a legendary you really like I highly recommend looking at what professions you will need for it.

screenshot of guild wars 2 legendary crafting

22. Legendaries.

  • Legendaries are account bound. This means that any legendary you unlock you can use on every character that can use that armor or weapon type (and the legendary accessories, amulets, ring, backpacks can be used on every character).

    • Legendary items allow you to swap stats whenever you want to!

    • Legendary items have unique visuals.

      • Note: Most legendaries are expansive. However, they are worth it if you enjoy multiple different characters. They are also prestigious!

screenshot of guild wars 2 dyes

23. Dyes.

  • For fun, I wanted to mention dyes! Guild Wars 2 is called fashion wars for a reason, and there is a huge selection of dyes to choose from! You will get unidentified dyes from various places. The main places are wvw skrimishing chests, ranked pvp, and doing events in maps where they are map bonuses.

    • You can either open them or sell them and buy dyes. If you want the common dyes or uncommon dyes I highly recommend looking at the price on the trading post. They can be pretty cheap!

guild wars 2 screenshot of trading gold for gems

24. You can trade in gold for gems.

  • You can use real money or in-game gold to buy items from the gem store.

    • The "Custom Exchange" button allows you to choose the amount of gold or gems you'd like to exchange.

screenshot of guild wars 2 tyria map

25. You have options!

  • Guild Wars 2 has a lot of variety. There are fractals, dungeons, raids, strike missions, wvw, pvp, pve, jumping puzzles, etc... Make sure you try these things out and see what you like doing!


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