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Top 10 Meta Events for Loot - Guild Wars 2

Writer's picture: Krystal Krystal

Guild wars 2 screenshot of Choya Pinata in Amnoon

10. Choya Pinata

Festive Confetti Infusion

  • There is a chance at the Festive Confetti Infusion and it is a very expensive infusion!

Daily Loot

  • The special chest that has the amalgamated gemstone is a daily. Aside from that, you can do it every time it is up!

Casino Coins

  • Can be used for xp or turned in for green unidentified gear.

Why this made the list over other meta events

  • First is people are always doing pinata, it hardly ever fails.

  • The second is it is super easy, you just run around gathering coins.

  • Third, you can tag the Amnoon gate event. It has a pretty short spawn timer and the choyas drop intricate and elaborate totems!


  • You don't get as much loot as you do from the other meta events on this list.

Guild Wars 2 screenshot of Soo Won meta event

9. Dragon's End


  • Doing the events leading up to the meta & the battle give a lot of loot. The more events you participate in the more chests you can open at the end.

Events & Currency

  • You get currency for the End of Dragons xpac. This is very helpful for buying new items & getting enough writs to buy the turtle mount collector or unlocking it buy beating the boss.


  • This event fails sometimes. Even with the nerf it is still a hard event to do.

Guild wars 2 screenshot of iberu in palawadan in domain of istan

8. Palawadan

Chests, Loot, & Shipments

  • Palawadan gives volatile magic, which can be turned in for various shipments (Trophy, Wood, Metal, Leather, and Cloth). On top of all of the chests & champion bags.

Daily Loot

  • 30 chests in Palawadan can be opened per day.

Karma and XP

  • You get a lot of karma and xp from these events.

  • If you get the karma and xp retributions you will get a lot more. I highly recommend getting at least the first karmic retribution if you plan to run it often!


  • Palawadan was nerfed a long time ago and lost a lot of its regulars because of that. The side story has brought people back, but it is easier to find groups during peak hours.

Guild wars 2 screenshot of the legendary chak gerent in tangled depths

7. Tangled Depths

Daily Loot

  • The special chest that has the amalgamated gemstone is a daily. Aside from that, you can run it every time it is up!

Chests and Loot Bags

  • There are a lot of chests around the ley line confluence area & down the lanes.

  • The end chest & more chests that unlock once the wall goes down.

  • You receive loot bags from doing the events, and from the map progress chest!

Chance at an Infusion

  • Chalk Egg Sack, this is a very rare drop but if you get it, it is worth a lot of gold!


  • The downside is if you don't get into a good map, it fails often. Make sure there are enough people at Rata and Scar & get there early!

Guild wars 2 screenshot of the end of tarir meta in auric basin

6. Auric Basin

Daily Loot

  • The special chest that has the amalgamated gemstone is a daily. Aside from that, you can keep running it (when it is up) for loot!


  • This event has a ton of chests. Make sure you have enough keys before jumping down!

Chance at infusion

  • The Vial of liquid Aurillium has a chance to drop from the Grand Exalted Chest. This infusion goes for quite a bit of gold, so if you get it you are rolling in some serious dough!


  • The meta event is relatively easy and often succeeds. But I would recommend getting there early, especially if you do it during the off-hours. People in the overflow maps will often leave if they don't see any commanders.

Guild wars 2 screenshot of the end chests after the claw of jormag in drizzlewood north

5. Drizzlewood North

Otter Infusion

  • This is the most important part of Drizzlewood North. This is the main way you can get memories of otter outside of the weapons.


  • The giant circle of chests gives a ton of loot.

  • Varied Materials from the chests are nice.


  • People do this event often so finding a group can be pretty easy. The keys on the other hand can be expensive if you don't do south meta first.

guild wars 2 screenshot of drizzlewood south meta

4. Drizzlewood South

Varied Materials

  • This is one of my favorite metas to do. It gives a wide variety of mats t3-t6 in all categories. It is great for crafting gen 2 legendaries and for materials for elonian leather squares, spirit wood, bolts of damask, and deldrimor ingots.

A lot of different events

  • Commanders bounce all over this map to hit as many events as possible. Which makes it feel very fun and active.


  • People don't advertise for south meta as often, a lot of times commanders are advertising for north meta. So you have to watch for a group to come up.

guild wars 2 screenshot of mordremoth meta in dragon's stand

3. Dragon's Stand

Crystalline Ore & Loot

  • The HoT's metas are some of the best. If you are making a gen 2 legendary you will need Crystalline Ore and this is the place to get it.

  • Noxious Pods also drop a lot of loot!


  • With every lane needing to get to Mordemoth, there is no shortage of karma & xp!


  • You will need machetes to open noxious pods and you need the other HoT map currencies to buy machetes. You can also get them from the Ley-Energy Matter Converter but you only get 1 Machete a day from it.

  • It is a long meta, killing the 3 bosses before Mordemoth can take a long time!

guild wars 2 screenshot of kralkatorrik meta in dragonfall

2. Dragonfall


  • Dragonfall has a lot of event variety! Lots of events means lots of loot!

  • There are events that you can solo or duo too!


  • After the Kralk fight, there are multiple chests. Then there is a champion train. Each champion will spawn three more chests after it dies!

Mystic Motes

  • These can be gathered throughout Dragonfall. If you consume them they give quite a bit of volatile magic! Which can be turned in for Shipments!

Karmic Retribution & XP Retribution

  • There are a ton of events and mobs that lead up to the meta. Having even the first tier of karmic retribution can boost your karma gain dramatically.

  • The same goes for the xp retribution!

Aurene Weapons

There is a chance at the Gift of Aurene weapon chest. Which has a unique coloration of the ascended weapons in it!


  • You have to do the pre-events to have keys for the champ train after.

  • It can be harder to find groups for Dragonfall.

guild wars 2 screenshot of silverwastes mordrem vinewrath meta event

1. Silverwastes

Can be run repeatedly.

  • The long-reigning king of meta events. The best part about it is that you can run it repeatedly. You don't have to wait for meta event timers, you just have to find an active map.

Event Variety.

  • It has variety. I would say that it has 4 main parts. Building up the forts, the bosses under the forts, the actual meta event, and the chest train. Since the whole map is the meta event you receive quite a bit of loot. It is by far the best farming zone.


  • Loot bags from events, mobs, chest train, & bandit crests can be turned in for more loot bags!

  • Sand has a chance to drop geodes. The less time spent trying to find a good Dry Top map the better am I right? XD.

Queen Bee Infusion

  • This infusion has a chance to drop and is worth a lot of gold!


  • There are a lot of events to tag and that racks up the karma fast!


  • This was hard to come up with a downside. Silverwaste is consistent, people are running it all the time, and it gives good loot, karma, & XP. The downside is that sometimes the maps are full so you have to keep checking lfg to be able to get in.

  • It is a lot more fun to rotate through the events on the list! So make sure to check them out!

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