1. Winterberry Farm
The easiest way to get an accessory & backpack is through winterberry farming. All you have to do is go to the map, gather all the winterberries, swap characters, and repeat. Winterberries are a daily node (per character) that will reset after 22-24 hours after gathering. This means if you have multiple level 80s you can get this gear quickly. If not it will take a little bit longer.
Note: Winterberries can be broken down into unbound magic!

2. Specialized Collections
This only works if you are going to use the weapon for the specialization you chose. Or have another character that has unlocked the collection for the weapon you want. These collections tend to be pretty fun and easy!

3. Crafting
You will need crafting. To be able to do T4 fractals you will need to put +9 agony in almost every infusion slot (or be very rich and buy +11 or higher). This means crafting the gear.
You can get very lucky and get ascended boxes to drop from pvp, fractals, wvw, etc... but that is all rng based and not reliable.
This will help you in the long run, if you decide to gear out other characters that wear the same type of armor.

4. Laurels
This can be a good way to get accessories if you've been hoarding laurels and ecto already. If not I'd recommend doing some of the other things on this list.

5. Doing Fractals & Fractal Relics
They have a chance at ring drops. The infused ones are especially good.
Accessories you can choose the stats on.
The armor & weapons you can choose the stats on. You will need to craft the grandmaster tokens or get them or get them through pvp or grandmaster mark shards through wvw.
Honorable Mentions

Guild Commendations
If you join a big guild and do all of the missions you can get 12-15 guild commendations. There is a weekly cooldown on these missions. So it will take a couple of weeks to get the commendations for both accessories.
Note: Getting accessories this is way much cheaper than buying them with laurels & ecto!

From rated pvp, you get boxes of grandmaster marks which can be turned in for ascended gear. You will need shards of glory and ascended shards of glory as well. You will get these from doing rated pvp.

Icebrood Saga Strike Missions + Side Story - Season of Dragons Achievements
The Icebrood Saga strike missions don't give a lot of blue prophet shards. However, if you do the Eye of the North side story you will get quite a few and can turn them in for ascended gear.

Difluorite Crystal + Volitale Magic + Side Story
You can gather Difluorite Crystals from Sandswept Isle. This will take you a bit to do. If you do the side story you will get the 250 difluorite and be a step closer to a legendary necklace!