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The Hunters Journey - Part 15: Slyboots - A World of Warcraft Fanfiction

Writer's picture: Krystal Krystal

world of warcraft screenshot of slyboots, junelight, allinaya, and greenbell in stranglethorn vale on the beach

On day thirty, the panther rubbed his head on me, marking me as his.

Junelight wasn't happy about this and rubbed her head on me multiple times to compensate but didn't seem too upset over it.

This was also the day that I gave him his name, Slyboots. Each day that passed he and Junelight grew closer. They were always snuggling, playing, and fishing together. Junelight started nipping at him if he was nippy with me. She showed him how he should act around us. He watched her closely and learned from her quickly. Her being a mother left her with a lot of patience and know-how for teaching. She always knows what to do.

Slyboots wound had fully healed on the outside, but he still stopped often if we traveled long distances. The scar tissue that ran along his back leg seemed to cause him the most pain.

Junelight watched him closely and started to kneed his scar with her paws. Careful not to hurt him with her claws. Slyboots wasn't sure about this at first but after a couple of times, he welcomed her doing this.

On day thirty-five we had walked most of the length of Stranglethorn, by the time we got back to Grom'gol, Slyboots was exhausted, but wasn't in a lot of pain.

On day forty we did the same thing but when we got back Slyboots still had some energy. He played with Junelight and caught some fish before even thinking about going to sleep.

It had been a long road for him, but he had made so much progress. Every time I looked at the thick scar on his side I wondered what had hurt him so badly and let him get away. I am just glad we found him when we did.

We spent a lot of time in Stranglethorn but never did any of the quests there. All of the time was spent rehabilitating Slyboots. His wound took a long time to heal but finally it was healed. I could tell he got sore and tired sometimes, but each day he was able to move faster and travel farther distances.

With us spending so much time in Stranglethorn my coffers had run a little low. Luckily it was around the same time the Slyboots was up to traveling long distances with us. It was time to go to Tirisfal Glades.

I wondered how Slyboots would do meeting all of the new people and going places he had never been. He was not nearly as friendly as Junelight and was a lot more cautious than she was.

It did not go well. Entering Lordaeron caused him to reel backward. His face contorted into one of the most pronounced faces of disgust I had ever seen. Junelight and I had become accustom to the smell of undeath from being in the Ghostlands for so long, but I doubt Slyboots had ever been outside of Stranglethorn. Stranglethorns air was crisp, fresh, and has a hint of salt from the ocean. Fragrant plants bloomed, and the trees added so much oxygen to the air, that each breath felt good.

The smell of undeath and the plague were overwhelming in the Undercity. He didn't want to move outside of the elevator. So many people gave us strange looks as they came through there.

Another Hunter stopped and helped us. She had had the same problem with one of her pets.

"Do you have some fish on you?" She asked.

"Yes I do," I said as I rifled through my bag to find them. Finally, I got them out.

We hadn't had lunch yet, so he had to be hungry, so dangled them in front of him. He hesitated but eventually came forward for the fish.

"There you go," She said happily.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it," I said.

She waved goodbye and was on her way.

The things that scared or disgusted him did not stop there. The abomb he saw made him immediately stealth. I thought for sure he was going to bite one of them but luckily he didn't. He hunkered down so close to the ground that his belly was almost touching it as he stayed ready to pounce.

After a couple of stops around the city that took much longer than they should have. We were off to Brill. Once we were outside of the Undercity, Slyboots became progressively more comfortable. Which is good because it was time to repay the undead for their help in the Ghostlands...


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