I woke up more tired but at least I did finally sleep. We didn't go back to questing for three days. The Deathguard even informed me that all of the Worgen rogues had been taken care of but I still couldn't bring myself back out there, not yet at least.
I barely left the room in the inn. Without the adventurer, it felt lonely. Even with my cats. It had been nice to have someone to talk to. I never even got his name or said goodbye. The wounds on my skin were healing but they had cut me much deeper. The memories had been seared into my brain and it was all I could think about. How could we be safer next time? How could I have not known? Was it really safe now? What could I do better? Over and over again those questions played on repeat.
On the third day, I went out with the intention of getting back to questing and started to. But I walked too close to a tree and a cold branch passed over the wound on my neck and I ran back to the inn. I didn't even stop when the undead gave me strange looks. I went back to the room and stayed there huddled in a corner for hours. Junelight and Slyboots nearly smothered me trying to comfort me, but it was no use. The panic had set in and it was stuck.
I had been attacked before, fought, and won against countless things. Even when the odds weren't in my favor, but this one time had broken my mind. This one incident had me at my wit's end. I just thought I'd be better at sensing danger. I am a hunter, I can track all manner of creatures with no trouble, but I had no idea.
I just couldn't wrap my head around being in this much danger so close to a Horde capital. Of all places, I thought I would be safest here.
This truly showed me why we fight the alliance as we do. To them we are all just monsters, beasts to control or murder.
On the fifth day, I was still in the room, in a zombified state when a friendly face entered.
"Still hiding I see." The adventurer said.
He was back, it took me a moment to realize who he was and get out of my fog. "Yes..." I said so softly I barely realized I even spoke.
He squatted down and got close to me and simply said "It will be okay."
Will it though? What if...
Before I could keep going down that road he spoke again cutting off my thoughts. "Are you going to continue to become a hero or go back home and do the work of a merchant?"
I hadn't even thought about going back home. At first, I did but never truly. I knew I was meant for this but I couldn't get my body to move. I couldn't get my thoughts straightened out.
"I don't know..." I said in a whisper.
"Well, you are still here, if you really wanted to you could have already traveled home by now. If that is what you want why haven't you?"
"I don't know," I said frustrated he was asking too many questions.
"Yes, you do. You have the answer inside you. You decided it the moment after it happened. You know you did. So what will it be?"
"Can you just leave me alone?" I said getting progressively more annoyed. I didn't want to speak to anyone. I just wanted to hide. I just wanted to feel safe and strong again.
With a smile, he said "No."...