The next day I sat quietly next to Galienzo as he slept. I wonder what would have happened if that thing had caught us. I shuttered at the thought.
Galienzo was wounded pretty badly from the debris that thing unearthed. I could only imagine what it could do.
"You must think I am weak," Galienzo said softly.
He startled me for a second. "What?" finally my brain caught up to what he had said. "Oh no, I don't think that at all," I said softly.
"I am a warrior. I'm supposed to be strong, fearless, and tough, and a little bit of wood did this to me..." He said as he pointed to his wound.
"Everyone gets hurt," I said as I showed him the scar tissue on my neck. "Honestly with you fighting up close I am surprised you don't get hurt more."
"If it wasn't for my armor I would get hurt more. I don't know how it even managed to get under my armor," He said.
"From the looks of it, it probably flew under as you were moving your arm is my guess. There is just enough space to leave us vulnerable when we run and boy were we running" I said with a chuckle.
He made a disgruntled noise.
"They sent for a healer, hopefully, vulnerable they will be here soon and you'll be feeling better," I said trying to make him feel better.
"Yeah," He said and then went quiet.
I put my hand on his other shoulder and he looked up at me. "Hey, it's alright."
Quietly he said, "Thank you."
Junelight had already snuggled up to him but she was determined to make him feel better and got even closer to him on his uninjured side. Slyboots laid quietly at his feet always watching the door. Since we got back they hadn't left his side. They had adopted him very quickly. Junelight I wasn't surprised about, but Slyboots I was.
His fan club kept coming and checking on him. They were annoying to say the least, didn't they have anywhere else they could be? It was all the time in and out, in and out the door may as well have been open with a "welcoming all visitors" sign on it.
Honestly, I am surprised he got to talk to me alone for those couple of minutes. And right on cue Jaylinnia entered. She was his most adoring fan.
I got along with most people well enough. I get along with animals better but I've had talked to many people and gotten along well with them. There is something about Jaylinnia irritated me to no end. I don't know how someone so prissy could make a pilgrimage to the Outlands and She complained about everything. Everything.
"Hellfire is so hot. The Orcs fighting demons is so loud. Why can't we just go farther into Outlands? Who takes care of this Inn? That undead, no wonder it is so dirty..." Complain complain and that is only some of the complaints... I couldn't wait until she moved on or we did.
"Oh my gods, how are you doing today? You poor thing." Jaylinnia said in a sickly sweet tone.
I started to get up and leave. I didn't want to listen to her squawk and she never acknowledge my presence anyways. So I wouldn't even be missed.
"Allinaya" Galienzo said cutting Jaylinnia off. "Are you leaving?"
"I'm just going to get a little air outside, I'll be back in a little bit," I said.
"Could you maybe help me go with you? I'd like to get some air too." He asked sheepishly, with a pleading look on his face. It looked like he was thinking "Please don't leave me here with her."
"Yeah I can do that," I said.
As I helped him up. Jaylinnia clicked her tongue and said "Well I guess I'll just leave then." and stormed out.
"Oh, thank the gods," He said quietly.
"What? You don't like her either?" He had been so nice to her this whole time. I thought he adored the attention.
"I... tried to be nice to her but she just won't stop complaining. It is nice of her to try and help me recover and all but," He sighed and flailed his uninjured arm.
"Yeah, I feel yeah there, couldn't have said it better myself," I said and we both laughed.
The twinkling of the stars seemed particularly bright that night...