"Allinaya run!" Galienzo screamed.
I could barely hear him over the monstrous thing looming over us. It had to be at least ten times my size. There was no way we were winning this fight.
We ran like our lives depended on it because they did.
Desperately we used every buff we had. Each step it took caused mini earthquakes. Dust filled the air and made it hard to breathe. Finally, we ducked around a hill and it stopped following us. Big but not very bright thank the gods.
"Is everyone alright?" I asked after we heard its footsteps fade in the distance.
Galienzo looked up at me smiled and then fainted. Blood covered his chest.
For a moment I sat there in shock but only for a moment. I had to think quickly.
I rifled through my bag and grabbed out the health potions I had made. He was losing blood quickly so I used some of my cloak to wrap it. Luckily most of the blood was from his arm and only part of the wound went to his chest. I had to pull some splintered wood out of it.
What had happened? He hadn't been hit by the Fel Reaver. We started running just in time to keep our distance from it. I couldn't focus on that now though.
"Kiamera Wing take him to Thrallmar, quickly. We will meet you there." I said as I strapped him in the best I could. "Be gentle with him and go now."
Kiamera flew off with a speed I had never seen before. He understood the urgency of the matter.
We ran back to Thrallmar as fast as we could.
Kiamera had dropped him at the Blood Elf Pilgrims waiting there and luckily they were tending to his wounds.
I grabbed Kiamera and told him he did a good job and then frantically tried to see what was going on.
"Will he be okay?" I said as I tried to see him.
Galienzo groaned.
Oh, thank the gods he is still alive at least.
Junelight and Slyboots had pushed past everyone to cuddle up next to him. This time I had to calm them down so that they wouldn't hurt him further.
So much chaos was happening that I didn't even notice him sit up.
He reached his hand out and horsely said "I am okay, I'm okay..."
All the commotion was noticed by the orcs. General Krakork came over and asked what had happened. I told him everything I could recount. Though I still didn't know what had wounded him or why there was wood in his wound.
The General quieted everyone and made them move out of the way. "What happened?" he asked Galienzo directly.
"Wood flew up as we ran..." He said hoarsely.
I could see the pain on his face as he talked. His breathing was labored, and as each moment passed I worried more and more about him not resting. The wound wasn't that deep but it was long and he had lost a lot of blood.
"I see," General Krokork said. "Take him to the inn to rest."
We took him to the inn and got him situated. Some of the female blood elves stayed to dote on him. Apparently, his injury had gotten him his own fan club.
I stood at a distance, annoyed. There wasn't any room for me next to him, I wasn't sure if he even needed me.
"Allinaya," he said softly as he extended his hand towards me. "You can go on without me if you want to, I don't know how long I will need to recover..."
He said it with such sadness in his eyes. I didn't know what to say. I hadn't even thought of going back to questing.
"I'm not worried about that, just rest," I said with a pause. "I'll wait for you to get better."
He smiled up at me and softly said "Okay" with a very tired smile. "I'd like to sleep now then," He said as he looked at the other female blood elves...