It wasn't long after that that we finished our quests in Tirisfal Glade. And with that coming to an end decisions had to be made. Where should we go next?
A question had been buzzing in my mind since I quested in the Eversong Forest. What were the Outlands like? My people wanted to leave Azeroth and follow Kael'thas Sunstrider. I know some had made it through the Dark Portal but that was all I knew. I hadn't heard any word of what happened to Kael'thas or the rest of the Blood Elves that had traveled there.
Were the Outlands really better than Azeroth? Maybe a change of scenery would do us some good. Slyboots was much more used to the smell of undeath but he still did not like it and they still frightened him.
"Alright, my sweet kitties do you want to see what Outlands have to offer next?" I said. They looked up at me confused but willing to go wherever I went. "Should we get a new friend before we go?" Puzzled they continued to stare at me.
"You guys will see," I said excitedly
I had finally made it to the point where I could learn to fly. The skies would be a whole new adventure. I realized how that it had felt like forever since I was excited about anything. It was nice to feel this way again, even if it was only fleeting.
"Let's go get a catbird," I said to my cats with a smile. "Another cat seems right doesn't it?"
"What should we name you?" I asked my new Wind Rider. "Thoughts, opinions, suggestions?" I asked Slyboots and Junelight. They just at me and then the Wind Rider, then back at me confused.
"You guys are right this is my job," I said to myself.
The cats didn't seem amused by my jokes but I thought it was funny.
"Hmmmm, how about Kiamera Wing?" I asked my Wind Rider "You aren't exactly a cat, or a bat, or a scorpion. You are a hybrid like a Chimera but your own unique version of it. What do you think?"
He just pushed his head into my hand and waited for pets. "You don't really care, do you? Kiamera Wing, it is then!"
"Everyone ready to go to Outlands?" I asked my cats excitedly.
"Why, yes I am," A smooth male voice said.
I spun around so quickly that I almost fell.
"Well be careful now," He said with a chuckle. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"I just... I didn't know anyone was behind us..." I said sheepishly. My face was beet red. I don't usually ask my cats questions when strangers were around. I never actually expect anyone to answer...
"I'm headed to the Outlands too. Would you like to do some quests with me?" He asked.
"Uh, sure," I said. I had never had anyone ask to do quests with me before.
"You don't have to say yes if you don't want to." He said sheepishly.
"No, no I've just never quested with anyone before." I said, "It would be nice to have some company."
"Great! Let's go then," He said as he gestured to the first portal.
As we got through the portal to the Blasted Lands I realized I didn't ask his name again. I need to stop doing that...
"By the way, what is your name?" I asked.
"Galienzo. And yours?"
"Allinaya," I said as I stuck out my hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too. What are your cat's names?"
"This is Junelight and Slyboots and my mount is Kiamera Wing." I said excitedly.
It didn't take us long to reach the Dark Portal. It was ominous, I could feel the fel energy seeping through. I wondered if this was a good idea, but there was no turning back now...