When I went to bed my resolve was strong and persistent, but as I awoke I was filled with dread. The nagging thoughts filled my mind asking if today would be the same as yesterday or if they'd be like when the rogues were here. It is exhausting trying to fight past this fear and move forward in spite of it.
No days have been that bad since before the rogues or after the rogues and yet my mind wants to stay stuck on them. What could we do better if it happened again?
Next time I will stay closer to my cats. No matter what that Slyboots and Junelight will be there to protect me. Even with us having a rough start Slyboots had been much closer to me now. The attacks made him fiercely ready to defend me.
Gently I pet his head and he leaned his head back into my lap to stare at me with those big golden eyes.
"You guys are the best kitties aren't you?" I said as I pet both of them. Junelight had nearly laid on Slyboots face in jealousy. He couldn't be the only one getting pets, ever. It is a good thing I have two hands so I can pet both of them.
Even Green Bell was biting and pecking me less since I was attacked. It was nice, I already had enough bruises and cuts from her...
Ugh, I needed to stop getting distracted. This question was hard because they were surprised attacks. I just didn't know what I didn't know, but there had to be things that I could do better. There had to be ways I could be safer. I did have a couple of defensive spells I could use. I could use those next time.
That is what I will do. While we are out questing today I will practice using my defensive spells. Then if there is a next time I will be in far less danger than I was before.
This finally helped with some of the worry and dread. I just needed to make a plan and learn from my previous mistakes.
My mind had been so stuck on the previous danger that it kept me still, but what it really needed was ideas on how to move forward safely. I needed to know that I had learned and if there was a next time it would be better and different than before. I needed to know that I could handle these things and still be safe.
"I can and I will," I said quietly to myself.
I tried to have us do an easy quest, to ease back into things but that wasn't in the cards. Instead, we found Lillian Voss again and she is as terrifying as ever. Ruthless in her pursuit of vengeance, she killed a whole camp of Scarlet Crusaders alone and I am sure many more. I am surprised the Undead ever stayed alive when she was a Scarlet Crusader. Her heart is full of hatred and as cold as ice.
"Let's go talk in the Tower," She said.
"Okay..." I said quietly. I couldn't really say no. I didn't even know she was the one I was sent to find. I would have said no if I had known but we are here now and there is no turning back. She could murder me in an instant if she wanted to. Though I don't think I am even on her radar. Her dead eyes looked right through me. They were focused on someone else. I am glad I am not them.
The tower she wanted to talk at is a Scarlet Crusader stronghold. Many guards stood in the way of us getting to that tower, but that didn't even phase her. One by one she took them out in a flash. I barely saw her move and they didn't see her at all. They were so focused on me that she destroyed them quickly. The only thing left of them was a purple flame. She was the only person I knew who wielded it. It was beautiful and horrifying at the same time. I couldn't even fathom being as strong as her.
Her father was in the tower and it all made sense. As she saw him a chill fell over the air. I felt the icy venom in every word she spoke to him. He had planned to have her killed and that action cost him his life. She took him down in one blow, he was no match for her at all.
She didn't wait around, as quickly as she came, she was gone again. The chill in the air stayed and the silence was deafening. There we stood surrounded by bodies, in what was once a Scarlet Crusader stronghold...