On the other side, it was hot, fires raged on the charred earth and demons tried to enter the dark portal. We were instantly thrown into chaos.
"Watch out," Galienzo said.
As a giant sword swung down next to me. The demon cracked the worn stones and swung for me again but as soon as he swung again everyone sprung into action. Within a matter of minutes, we slayed him.
"What a welcome that is huh?" Galienzo said with a smile. He reveled in the fight. He seemed more alive as he fought and wasn't afraid to get dirty.
"Something like that," I said as I tried to keep my panic at bay.
I managed to calm myself enough to be presentable again but inside I was shaking. I didn't want Galienzo to see me so frightened. I had just met him and I am stronger than what is going on in my head.
This fear had changed me but I couldn't let it control me.
Everything about Hellfire Peninsula was desolate, except the sky. The Sky was more beautiful than any sky I'd seen on Azeroth. Giant planets loomed overhead and energy swirled through the air. The colors in the sky are vibrant and dotted with stars.
Getting lost in the sky's beauty helped the internal panic subside. Though it was never truly gone the fear went back to being a dull hum.
"That sky is something, isn't it?" Galienzo said.
"Yeah it really is," I said softly.
"I'd love to stare at it all day, but we should probably get moving." He said as he pointed towards another onslaught of demons coming our way.
"You're right," I said.
Quickly we made our way to the Horde forces and got on a flight to Thrallmar.
The Horde stationed here were battle-hardened. Day in and day out they fought the burning legion. Demons surround every side of the camp. It made me wonder how this camp even survived. The Horde here must be tough to have fought off so many demons and stand ready to fight off so many more. The odds seemed insurmountable and yet here Thrallmar stood as a testament to their persistence.
To no one's surprise, every quest was aiding them in fighting off the demons or demon-tainted creatures. It felt like demonic blood ran through Outlands veins. The burning legion's influence is massive here. It made me wonder what Kael'thas Sunstrider was thinking. Our home in Azeroth was much more peaceful than this. Even if the Lich King left scars, it was better than the whole land being fel scarred...
But I knew that wasn't the only problem. The other question was could we survive with the magic withdrawals on Azeroth or would we perish? Was Kael'thas right to come here and satiate the blood elves' addiction to mana? Could we quell the demons here and make it as peaceful?
"Galienzo, what made you come to the Outlands?" I asked.
"Our people have talked about Outlands so much I thought I'd see what it was like," Galienzo said. "I can't say this is what I expected but maybe other parts of Outlands are what we are looking for."
"I came here for the same reason," I said. "I hope other parts of the Outlands are better."
Galienzo nodded.
It wasn't hard to fight with Galienzo, we ebbed and flowed in battle. He went one way and I went the other. I never had to worry about him getting in the way of my arrows. Despite him having a more brutish fighting style, he was very graceful as he fought. His hair flowed in the wind with each swing of his sword. It was like a beautiful golden long lion's mane.
It was nice having someone who actually talked back. My cats are wonderful and my best friends but sometimes I still felt lonely even with them here.
We cleared so many demons and corrupted orcs and still, it felt like only a scratch. Bodies lay all around us but there were so many more. The land was littered with them.
The Earth shook beneath our feet, and a loud horn bellowed. A giant shadow blocked out the light...