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The Hunters Journey - Part 3: Beginnings - A World of Warcraft Fanfiction

Writer's picture: Krystal Krystal

Updated: Dec 9, 2022

World of Warcraft Screenshot showing Allinaya and Junelight as they start their journey

A second voice started to say something but they were too hushed to hear what they said, but it seemed ominous. After what felt like an eternity until the voices faded and they walked away. Moonlight and I sat motionless for a long while after that. After we were very sure that it was okay now, I said goodnight to Moonlight and walked home.

I couldn't sleep, the voices haunted me. I could still feel that fear of first hearing them and felt the dread of wondering if they would see Moonlight and I. Would they have attacked us if they did? What would I have done? I needed to get stronger. I was almost old enough to start my adventure and this made me even more determined to begin.

I didn't want to be a Farstrider like my parents, despite my love for bows. My path is different it is to become a hunter. I started to train during the day. I only stopped to eat, sleep, and visit the Springpaws. They noticed me spending less time with them and Junelight became very clingy. It was like she sensed a change in me, and devoted herself to being by my side.

The cubs were old enough that they were starting their own adventures. There is a sense of restlessness among all of us. Junelight let the cubs venture out on their own, but still doted on me like I was one of her kin. She had made it her mission to protect me and I made it mine to protect her.

She even started to follow me back into town, wary she would wait by the edge of the forest before going back to her den. But one day she decided to follow me. It was a week before I would be leaving to become a hunter. It was like she knew. She followed me all the way home, startling many people along the way. She refused to be left outside, and slept next to my bed. It was lucky for me that my parents and siblings were gone, because I don't know how I would have explained this to them.

Ralenn noticed but she just smiled and let it be. She knew what the Springpaws meant to me, they became part of my family, and I part of theirs. We still visited the cubs every day, until the day came for me to leave. My parents came home to say goodbye.

"I love you Allinaya" My mother said gently as she kissed my forehead and gave me a big hug. "I am very proud of you, and think you will be a great hunter."

After she released me it was my father's turn. "I love you," He said as he gave me a big hug. "You will always have a place at home if you need us."

They were sad but smiled and waved me goodbye.

I made sure to stop by Ralenn before I left. She greeted me with warm cookies, a Springpaw doll, a hug full of warmth and kindness, and surprisingly her bow.

"I am so proud of you," She said quietly as tears escaped her eyes. "I will miss you very much, but I believe you will be an amazing hunter."

"Thank you for everything Ralenn, you've always been there for me and I can't tell you what this means to me," I said as I held up the Springpaw and the Bow.

"Use it well." She said looking at the bow. "It shoots true, is sturdy, and will be your best friend as long as you take care of it. Make sure to get it any repairs it needs and it will last you a lifetime." She said with a smile and nod. "Now you best be going before it gets too hard to say goodbye. I will miss you my dear, and I love you." She said as she pulled me in for another hug.

"I love you too," I said softly as I cried into her shoulder.

"Chin up, you can do this." She said as I walked out the door. "I believe in you." She said softly as she waved goodbye.

Junelight had gone into the forest that day after I said goodbye to her too. I thought this would be the last time I would see her for a while but as I was leaving she lept out of the forest to meet me.

She had made up her mind and was coming with me. I thought when I had said goodbye to her and she went into the forest that she was leaving but it turned out she was saying goodbye to her cubs...


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