I set out to become the best hunter I could be. Each day I learned new skills and became stronger and stronger. Junelight trained with me, she is ferocious. Her hunting skills were unparalleled, she always has me in awe. I want to be as strong, as cunning, and as good at tracking as her. I studied her every move and learned not only from my human teachers but from her as well.
Whenever I was alone the voices I had heard in the forest haunted me. I decided that finding them was Junelight and I's most important mission. I needed to know what their motives were. We could not allow another traitor in our midsts. I had heard stories of Dar'Khan and the devastation he wrought. How could he have let the scourge in to destroy his own people? We lost so many people because of him. Our land is still scarred because of him and the Lich King...
Ralenn told me a little bit about the wars, but she kept most of it to herself. Whenever she talked about it you could see the pain behind her eyes so I never pressed her for more information. She told me all I needed to know. That a traitor had nearly destroyed us. And if I had anything to say about it I would not let that happen again.
After some time of training and questing, we got a lead. Aeldon Sunbrand, Captain of the Blood Hawks had heard of the drawf as well and knew where he was. He was a guest at the North Sanctum, much to Ley-Keeper Caidanis dismay.
I sought him out and to my surprise he was out in the open, acting as if he belonged there. I can't do anything about him right now. He is a guest but I knew from our first meeting with Prospector Anvilward that he was one and was up to no good. I just had to find some proof.
He didn't want to speak to me, it was almost like he knew, that I knew what he was up to but there was no way. I am sure we were not seen or heard that night.
Overwhelmed by with concern I went back to Aeldon Sunbrand, and spoke to him about my suspicions. Not only did he believe me and agree, but he also has information that proved he was a spy.
We went back and forth talking about what could be done about this. Aeldon did not want a spy in our midst either and had no intention of letting him stay. We had to be careful with this matter since he is a guest of the North Sactum and we didn't want the people to be fearful because of a spy. Eventually, we devised that I would have to assassinate him, quietly. It had to be me. I'm on a quest to get stronger so going from place to place isn't unusual, being around all sorts of people is very normal, and I'm one of the few that knows he is a spy.
I am sure I seem unassuming. A hunter on some of my first quests, barely any experience in the real world, with only a young springpaw at my side. My plan is to politely talk to him inside the North Sanctum and then slay him in the morning.
Anxious I barely slept, what if he was stronger than me? What if he was gone? What if he knew I was after him and prepared for it? There were so many questions buzzing in my head but once dawn broke I was up out of bed and on my way. Even with all my fears, I tried to focus on my most important thought. I need to protect my people and despite all of my fears, I would.
I got there early and the moment came. Luckily for me, he thought I was his tour guide. I thought fast and directed him away from onlookers. I would have to be quick with this, I was sure he would know soon enough. As I had that thought he turned on me. I went into defense and responded to his attacks but Junelight was quicker. She sprang at him and attacked him fiercely which gave me the opening I needed. She and I are a team, and together we took him down...