Aeldon had told me to bring him Anvilwards head to be sure the job was done. It was a gruesome trophy but one I had to bear. With that job done, I felt a sense of tortured relief. I had protected my people but it was more gruesome than the other quests. He was just another humanoid, not corrupted or taken over, just persuaded to do something wrong.
It made me recognize that anyone could be persuaded to do terrible things. I hope that I will make the right choices, and do not fall victim to others people's influence.
Our quests after that one were not nearly as exciting. I kept my ears open for any other spies or intruders but everything seemed quiet. It was like no one even missed Anvilward. In a way, I felt sad for him, but at least I wasn't in danger. I thought about him a lot as I ran errands for people. I got stuck getting things for a party, being a messenger, and helping local merchants. All of it was pretty boring. It was amazing to me how people could go living their lives being completely unaware of everything happening. It made me think, what made some people one way and others another?
Junelight nudged my hand with her head, startling me out of my train of thought. I had walked up to the dead scar and didn't even know it. Ghouls were about to attack me when a young paladin got in their way. She shielded me from their attacks and slew them.
"This isn't a great place to wander into, you should be more careful," She said.
Embarrassed I said "Yeah you are right, thank you for protecting me. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize how far I had walked..."
"It happens but make sure someone is on the lookout when you aren't," She said as she looked at Junelight.
Junelight looked disgruntled at the slight. I put my hand on her head to soothe her, I'm sure she was watching and ready.
"Are you helping Ranger Sareyn too?" The Paladin asked.
"Yes," I said with a slight nod, being so embarrassed had made me shy. I was beet red still and felt the warmth on my face.
"She sent me out here too." She said very nonchalantly. "I've been out here many times killing undead and they just keep coming back and increasing in number."
"Oh, they are increasing? Do you know why?" I asked the scrouge increasing was not a good sign. Something had to be wrong.
Junelight shifted uncomfortably as waves of scourge came for us. It didn't seem to bother the paladin she talked while she fought. To her, it was another day at the job I guess.
"Ranger Sareyn has a theory that there is something wrong with one of the runestones, but every time, I go to check it seems like more scourge rise up. If you are free and think you can fix a runestone, I would speak to her. I can handle the scourge here." She said with a confident smirk.
"I will go speak to her. I don't know much about runestones but I could at least go check it." I said.
She waved me goodbye and I started to walk away until I realized I didn't ask her name. How rude of me.
"What is your name by the way?" I yelled.
"Crelia" She said smiling "And yours?"
"Allinaya, It was nice to meet you," I said with a smile.
She simply nodded as she fought back some more scourge.
"What an interesting person I whispered to Junelight, I wonder if we will ever see her again." Junelight did not seem to care either way but was happy to be talked to and given a head pat.
The scourge did seem to be particularly fierce on the way to the runestones.
"That can't be good," I whispered out loud.
The closer we got to the Ghostlands the more scourge filled the dead scar...