Before heading to the Ghostlands I decided to take up cooking, fishing, herbalism, and alchemy. Junelight and I would need to be prepared. This wasn't a place for the faint of heart, it was full of darkness and undeath. I have never been outside of Eversong, but the stories I had heard were dark and ominous. Who knows what will be waiting for us in there?
I learned to make a big cooking fire, which Junelight was curious about but it did not go well. She may have a singed whisker or two... She is upset now and keeps grumbling at the fire. I tried to convince her that it was good and food would be better with it but I think she just wants to eat the meat raw.
After having a long huff about it, I finally convinced her to calm down and stay at a distance. At least she liked me fishing. She likes Mackerel, so much so that she wouldn't let me cook them. Every time I start to prepare and cook them, she steals them from me.
"Junelight, can I have one?" I asked her. She looked up at me gave me a dirty look, and went back to eating her Mackerel.
"Okay... I guess that is a no. I'll just eat the spiced bread I guess..." I said sighing. "But some of the other fish you have to share with me."
Junelight huffed. Which seemed like reluctant agreeance.
I fished and cooked for a while. Both my fishing and cooking could use some work, but it would have to do for now. We had dawdled long enough.
"Let's go, Junelight" I said while patting Junelight on the head. "We aren't going to be able to stay in Eversong forever."
On the path south we found an Apothecary and a courier who had fallen ill. The same one that Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider had sent me to look for. He could barely speak.
The Apothecary hastily said "Kill the animals south of the river and bring me their blood. Quickly I can still save him."
Any hesitations about the Ghostlands Junelight and I had would have to wait. We had to save him. With much haste, we slew the animals and brought back their blood. Anxiously we waited, hopefully, we were quick enough.
The potion worked quickly. Courier Dawnstrider was still terribly ill but never forgot his duty. He carried a message that was of the utmost importance.
"Please" He begged. "Take this to Arcanist Vandril"
"I will don't worry." I said gently "Just rest Landra is looking for you."
He was uneasy but we calmed him enough that he should survive and be okay after getting some rest.
With the letter in hand, Junelight and I ventured deeper into the Ghostlands.
There was an eerie hum to the Ghostlands, that makes my skin crawl. Barely any light comes through the trees and the stench of undeath and plague fills the air.
Our journey to Tranquillien was quiet but unnerving. I got the sense that we were being watched the whole way, and Junelight seemed on edge too. Her head kept whipping around to watch the creatures in the forest, and sometimes I couldn't make out what she was seeing. It almost felt like the trees had eyes.
After speaking to multiple people, I've come to find out that Dar'Khan is alive... Or kind of? I don't know. I thought he had died but apparently, he was undead now and still wreaking havoc on the Ghostlands. I had no idea, Ralenn would be devastated to hear about this. They wouldn't let me go after him right away. They said "we have to prepare" etc... etc... Whatever if I have to do it their way to find out where he is and slay him I will but I am not happy about waiting...