The Mist in Seitung Province
This is a great chest farm for Unusual Coins. The chests and color totems spawn randomly. You will need to go through the maze to find them all.

Once you enter the mist (in any area) it will teleport you to Spirit Vestibule. This is where you start.

The Lanterns are safe zones that clear the Encroaching Darkness debuff which will constantly tick your health down.
Note: It is a good idea to fight mobs while you are standing in the lantern. If you get downed you get teleported back to the beginning.

The boss room entrances are vine-covered with totems next to them. There are 3 boss rooms, when you are in these rooms the Encroaching Darkness debuff will go away. Chests are likely to be in these rooms.

To be able to fight the bosses you will need to attune with the correct color. Each boss has a different color Red, Green, or Blue. The totems you need to attune to will glow that color.
Note: If you get killed or downed by the bosses you do not teleport back to the beginning.

Green boss room. It will always be in this spot.

Green boss.

Blue boss room

Blue boss.

Red Boss Room.

Red Boss.

When the bosses are not activated they look like whisps.

Dodger of Darkness
The circles are the aoes you will need to dodge for Dodger of Darkness. You will need to dodge them 25 times and you get a mastery point for the achievement.

Misty Leap Location

To get the Misty Leap achievement put on the diving goggles and jump into the water!