A giant spider loomed over us. It was so large that it eclipsed Junelight with its shadow. Debris from the branches it broke fell around us. It looked the like the same type of spider the cook had asked us to kill for food, but we were definitely its prey.
It lunged at us, Junelight immediately jumped in its way, stopping its attack on me.
We killed it quickly and even got the crunchy legs the cook is looking for, but it reminded me to pay more attention. We weren't wandering the forests of Eversong after all. The Ghostlands have many more things lurking in the dark.
We brought the cook as many spider legs as he asked for and then some. In exchange, he gave us some cooked spider legs and the recipe. They weren't bad... but it was hard to not picture the spiders skittering around with each bite. I gave most of mine to Junelight. She scarfed them down quickly. Food is food to a big cat I suppose, she normally eats her food raw so I don't know what I expected.
It feels like we aren't getting any closer to Dar'Khan even with all the quests we've done. However, we did get quests to go to the Windrunner Estate. The Windrunners needless to say are a very important family. My parents spoke so highly of them even after Sylvanas fell, but many other blood elves do not feel the same way. As part of Arthus scourge, Sylvanas did many terrible things.
I do not know what to think. I remember the stories my parents would tell of the great Windrunners, how strong they were in battle, how valiantly they fought to protect us, and what great leaders they were. But now Sylvanas is the dark lady, her actions have been unsettling since she was brought back to life. I do not know if we can trust her, or even where to find her sisters Alleria and Vereesa.
What did we find at the estate? Beautiful ruined structures, tons of undead, and of course a paladin clearing the scourge. It seems anywhere the scourge is we can be sure to find paladins, dutifully clearing them. This was the first paladin to be a little more friendly and a little less serious.
"That is a nice cat you have there." The paladin said.
"Thank you, she is very friendly," I said.
He extended his hand to her, letting her sniff it. She hesitated slightly since the other paladins had been so standoffish, but leaned into him and let him pet her. He give her chin scratches, her favorite!
The undead started to become restless. We had killed some and the others were starting to notice.
"Well, duty calls," He said as he watched the undead. "It was nice to meet you." He said as he gave Junelight a final set of scratches. And then he waved goodbye.
He had not been interested in talking to me at all, only Junelight. She was very happy because of it. It looked like she was smiling.
"You are a nice cat huh?" I asked her.
She roared softly. She was still blissful about the stranger's affection.
We cleared a lot of scourge that day, at the estate, in the dead scar, everywhere. We even found a rare treasure on one of the undead. A necklace of Lady Sylvanas. High Executor Mavren told me it was very important, and that I would have to take it to Lady Sylvanas myself. While I was gitty and hesitant to meet her, it would have to wait a little longer.
All of our quests had finally paid off. Magister Darenis gave me information on where to find Dar'Khan and who to go to, to mount an attack on him...