It was the druid who had played with Junelight. He had heard of our deeds and had come to congratulate us.
"Sorry for waking you, I heard that you and Junelight slayed Dar'Khan and nearly cleared Deatholme of all the scourge. That is impressive."
"Thank you," I said yawning.
"I should be going, I was passing through Silvermoon when I heard and thought I'd congratulate you on my way," Jannarx said as he pets Junelight. He was definitely her favorite adventurer that we'd met.
Sleepily I smiled and waved him goodbye. Still, in a sleepy haze, I couldn't form any more words than "thank you".
Junelight came back for more snuggles but it was already too late in the day. We should have been up hours ago. Sleepily we got ready.
After all of those quests, finding out about Dar'Khan, slaying him, and everything else we learned it seemed like it was time to take a break. After hearing about our deeds many places are calling for our aid. But there were a few adventures we needed to take first. First I needed to find a mount, Junelight can travel much farther than I can in a day. I could have had a mount by now but the Hawkstriders didn't seem suitable for us. I wanted something that would fit into our little family better. An animal I really connected with, like Junelight. They would be a companion as long as we adventured together, so I needed to pick the right one.
Jannarx told me about the Kodo, they were great strong beasts with a gentle heart. That seemed like the right one to fit into our family. Then I wanted to learn some more cooking recipes, I had heard that there were cooks all over that would teach me and that was what I was looking for. I was getting sick of eating the same food every day...
Add another pet to our family. I thought about going back and finding one of Junelights cubs, but by this time they should have all moved on, and have cubs of their own. I couldn't expect that they'd be ready to leave their cubs and go on an adventure with us. No, we'd have to find another companion different.
Return Lady Sylvanas Necklace and Lor'themar Theron sent a note with me to give to Lady Sylvanas about Dar'Khans final demise. I am sure she will be happy to hear about it and it will help the rest of the Horde see us as equals. Now that our homeland is secure we will be able to help face the things that threaten the Horde and our world. I've heard that there are far greater threats out there. It is time that we learned from other races and found out more about those rumors.
The first place we set out to was the Undercity. Lor'Themar Theron was adamant about us taking the letter to Lady Sylvanas.
The Banshee Queen is more beautiful than I expected. I thought she would be more undead, but here she was dead, but still very elven.
The necklace... was not well received. She was callous, to say the least. Junelight became upset by her reaction and was ready to pounce. I placed my hand on her head gently and calmed her.
I had reminded Lady Sylvanas of a life that was long gone for her, her anger was not directed at me.
The letter was received much better. Her demeanor changed quickly upon reading it. She seemed impressed by us and gave us her seal. She wanted us to speak to Saurfang directly in Orgrimmar.
It was aunnerving. I knew we needed to go to Orgrimmar to get to Thunder Bluff to get a Kodo, but we hadn't met any Orcs on our adventure. I only had stories to go off of, and those all spoke of their bloodthirsty nature. Combative and brash, I wasn't sure we'd be welcome in Orgrimmar...